Family, Wedding, Commercial & Specialty Photographers
Fayetteville, NC 910.337.8992
Harmon Photographic Images
Wedding, Bridal and Engagement Packages

From the moment he pops the question, to your day with your dress, to that magic moment when you say "I DO!" We want to be with you to capture every moment as it happens. Whether you are looking for just engagement photos, bridal photos or wedding photos we have you covered. Or if you want it all ....we can do that too. Rehearsals, dinners and the bachelor / bachelorette party, we can cover as much or as little of your wedding as you would like.
All of our services are available on either an hourly basis or through a package deal. If you do not see something that fits your needs here, please contact us and we'll customize your photo experience for just what you need.
SILVER Wedding Package
4 Hours of Wedding Coverage
CD of full size digital photos (200+ these are not "proofs" they are full size originals & you are granted printing rights)
GOLD Wedding Package
(Bridal or Engagement Photos Included)
7 Hours of Wedding Coverage
CD of full size digital photos (300+ these are not "proofs" they are full size originals & you are granted printing rights)
(Bridal or Engagement Photos Included)
All Day Wedding Coverage
CD of full size digital photos (300+ these are not "proofs" they are full size originals & you are granted printing rights)
Engagement or Bridal Photos (Only)
Photo shoot on location
CD of Digial Photos